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Practice and Study Page - With Score Reports!

Division is hard enough - make sure to keep the simple things simple!
Use the online flash cards, matching and quizzes to help you master the division facts!

  Choose the tables that are hardest for you and play it over and over again.

  • Flash Cards
    • Our online flash cards don't get lost or ruined!  Choose the tables that you need help with!
    • Guess quickly and don't count on your fingers!  You will learn the facts with due practice!
  • Matching
    • Matching Practices will are great - because you get to see the answer!
      • These are a super fast way to learn your facts - and as fun as fact learning can be!
      • You will get extra credit for each matching practice that you attempt - why not read our instructions for making the most of the extra credit activities?
  • Power Quizzes
    • When you think you have mastered a table (or all of them), try a quiz to see where you stand!
    • Each Quiz has 6 problems that are randomly chosen from the table that you selected.  You can quickly answer these and score loads of extra credit points!
