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Practice and Study Page

Division is one of the least mastered skills. (yet it is vital to basic algebra and fractions)
You have made a very mature decision by coming to this page and I will be very glad to help you!

  • Step 1 - Memorize the Division Facts.
    • Our online flash cards don't get lost or ruined!  Choose the tables that you need help with!
    • Guess quickly and don't count on your fingers!  You will learn the facts with due practice!
  • Step 2 - Choose the method that you find easiest.
    • offers 3 ways to divide - all of them get the right answer!
      • Standard Style - will review the way your teacher probably showed you.
        • Takes a lot of paper - great estimation and multiplying skills.
      • Divisor Table Division - Take the guess work and multiplication out of your division problems!  Divisor Table Division will do the hard work for you! Plus - as an added bonus - being able to make divisor tables will help you with multiples later.
      • Guess, Guess, Guess - Using estimation to find an exact answer turns out not  to be very popular - but I like it!  Check it out - you might find that you like it too!
  • Step 3 - Practice, Practice, Practice.
    • Watch the lessons to see how to quickly master a skill.
    • Follow the steps - do exactly what we do!
    • Try the Guided Practices - you complete a problem, then click "show answer" to see if you got the right answer and if you followed the steps.
    • Complete the practice quizzes!
      • Repetition is the heart and soul of mastery
        • Athletes, musicians, movie stars and all the people we admire are great because they have practiced...and practiced...and practiced some more!
      • Work your way from 1 digit divisors all the way up to the master's only practices!
      • quizzes will get you ready to pass your class...and your grade!
