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This extension comes in 2 parts. First, I will teach you how to convert temperatures and mileage. Then you may take a quiz to earn up to 50 extra credit points! When you are ready to take the quiz - press the "Quiz" button above and the quiz will be offered.
Celsius and Fahrenheit cause confusion because they are so different. 25o Celsius is lovely, while 25o Fahrenheit is dreadful. 100o Fahrenheit is hot, while 100o Celsius would kill you instantly.
The comparison is 5 Celsius : 9 Fahrenheit plus or minus 32. To convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit, you multiply by 9/5 and add 32. To convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius you subtract 32 then multiply by 5/9.
The comparison is 5 Celsius : 9 Fahrenheit plus or minus 32. To convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit, you multiply by 9/5 and add 32. To convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius you subtract 32 then multiply by _____.
The comparison is 5 Celsius : 9 Fahrenheit plus or minus 32. To convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit, you multiply by 9/5 and ______ 32. To convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius you subtract 32 then multiply by 5/9.
Convert 15o C to ___ F
To convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit, you multiply by 9/5 and ______ 32.
59o F
Convert 5o C to ___ F To convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit, you multiply by 9/5 and ______ 32.
41o F
Convert 90o F to ___ C To convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius you subtract 32 then multiply by 5/9. (round to the nearest degree)
32o C
Convert 34o F to ___ C To convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius you subtract 32 then multiply by 5/9. (round to the nearest degree)
1o C
Changing kilometers to miles and vice versa is much easier. 5 miles is about 8 km. So multiply miles * 8/5 to get kilometers or multiply kilometers by 5/8 to get miles.
55 miles per hour is about ____ kilometers per hour. multiply miles * 8/5 to get kilometers
88 kph
25 miles per hour is about ____ kilometers per hour. multiply miles * 8/5 to get kilometers
40 kph
35 miles per hour is about ____ kilometers per hour. multiply miles * 8/5 to get kilometers
56 kph
80 kilometers is about ____ miles. multiply kilometers * 5/8 to get miles.
50 miles
60 kilometers is about ____ miles. multiply kilometers * 5/8 to get miles.
37.5 miles
200 kilometers is about ____ miles. multiply kilometers * 5/8 to get miles.