the bottom of a fraction (divisor) | Denominator |
the number that is to be divided (numerator) | Dividend |
the number used to divide another (denominator) | Divisor |
numbers or values that represent the same amount | Equivalent |
a number that divides another number with no remainder | Factor |
a fraction in which the numerator is greater than the denominator | Improper |
the smallest common multiple for a set of denominators. | Least Common Denominator (LCD) |
the smallest number that is divisible by all members of a data set. | Least Common Multiple (LCM) |
a number that is to be subtracted from. (top of a subtraction problem) | Minuend |
a number that contains both a whole number and a fraction | Mixed Number |
a number that is divisible by another | Multiple |
the top of the fraction (the dividend) | Numerator |
the result of a multiplication problem | Product |
a fraction in which the numerator is smaller than the denominator | Proper |
the result of a division problem | Quotient |
one of two numbers whose product is one. 1/5 and 5 | Reciprocal |
a fraction in which the GCF of the numerator and denominator is 1 | Simplest Form |
a number that is to be subtracted from another number | Subtrahend |