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You are planning to hold a Halloween costume party and need to prepare. Examine the following questions and find the solution that will make your party a success!
Invitations Invitations are sold in packages of 8 for $2.19. How many packages of invitations will you need to buy to invite 30 guests?
Drinks We need to figure out how much punch is needed to serve the 30 guests, 450 mL each. You are going to make Goblins' Punch. The recipe calls for 1 L of orange juice, 300 mL of pineapple juice, 500 mL water, 1 cup of sugar, 3 L of ginger ale and 4 oranges. Start by figuring out the total liquid in the punch. How many mL of punch will this recipe make?
Dancing We want to have music to last throughout the party. Each CD will play for an average of 40 minutes. How many CD's are needed to ensure 3 hours of music?