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In life, costs are often divided amongst a group of people. At work, a team will split the cost of a gift. In college, pizza costs are often divided. The following problems will ask you to "split the costs" of various items and activities.
Jerry, George and Roland bought a large bag of Skittles for $2.49. How much does each boy need to chip in?
Brenda and Juliet needed paper for school. They agreed to split the purchase a package for 89 cents. The tax on their purchase was $0.07. How much did each girl need to pay?
The girls study group ordered pizza for $7 and a bottle of Coke for $0.60. They gave the delivery boy a $2.00 tip. If there were 3 girls in the study group, how much did each girl need to pay?
The 11 boys ordered pizza. The deal was buy a large for $8.50 and you could get all the smalls you want for one dollar each! They bought 9 pizzas to split. How much did each boy need to chip in to purchase their fair share?
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson went to dinner with your parents. Rather than worry about individual meals, the couples agreed to split the bill evenly. The dinner check came to 46.92 (including tax) and the group decided to leave a $7.00 tip for the waitress. What was the cost to each family?