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Speed Drills Page

Mastery of the Computation Skills will help you to work quickly and make you a top student in your class!

These quizzes are designed to help you master the computation skills required of middle grades students.
Use them to practice and prove your mastery!

  • 4 problems to prove you are a master!
    • Each activity randomly picks 4 problems to test you from a pool of 30!
    • You can click "try again" and get a whole new test on each skill!
  • Try a skill you aren't good at!
    • At the top of the activity you are offered a Review Lesson button
      • This will take you to a set of pages and activities that are designed to help you master the skills that you will need to make tough problems simple!
      • Or you can try the skill and choose the "Study" link that appears when you get a problem wrong!
  • Try the "Extra Credit" link!
    • You can have your practice results emailed to your home!
    • Challenge your friends and see who suffers from the "called to the board quakes and shakes"!
