Which answer represents the equation that is needed to solve the following. The new theater has a bunch of seats. I counted 27 rows and 42 seats in each row.
42/27 = s
s/27 = 42
27/s = 42
42/s = 27
Which answer represents the equation that is needed to solve the following. 16 oz. = 1 lb. Jamie weighs 68 pounds. How many ounces is that?
68 * J = 16
68 * 16 = J
J/16 = 68
68/J = 16
We split our class into 6 equal teams of 4 students. Which of the following equations could be used to find out how many students are in the class.
6/C = 4
C * 4 = 6
C * 6 = 4
C/6 = 4
Golf balls are sold in a package called a sleeve. Which of the following equations can be used to find out how many golf balls come in a sleeve. Mr. Mitchell bought 4 sleeves of golf balls. He put 4 of the new ones in his pocket, 5 into his golf bag and hid the last 3 in his car (so he wouldn't use them today).